Origins of the Alexander Technique

F.M. Alexander

F. M. Alexander was born in Tasmania/Australia in 1869. He was a successful actor and reciter when voice problems interfered with his work - he became increasingly hoarse and had difficulty breathing. The doctors he consulted found no organic causes for his symptoms and could not help him. They only advised him to spare his voice. When, after a 2-week hiatus during a performance, his voice fell completely, he concluded that something in the way he used his voice when reciting was causing the discomfort. He decided to try to solve the problem himself and first began to observe himself with several mirrors. He could see that when he started to recite his neck stiffened and his head pulled back, putting excessive pressure in his larynx. He later found that he was also lifting his chest. Tightening his back, and putting his whole body in a state of excessive tension. Now he had found the cause of his symptoms and realized that he was causing them himself. In a long research, F. M. Alexander developed a method with which he improved his complaints and his overall health. The Alexander Technique is taught in schools around the world.