About Beate


Beate Kilber

I’m Beate (pronounced Bee-aa-te) Kilber. I’m a native of Germany with a background as a professional dancer, Waldorf language instructor and massage therapist. My lifelong passion for the human body, movement, Argentine Tango and teaching all come together in my personal movement-oriented Alexander Technique lessons. 

My personal journey with the Alexander Technique allowed me to free my body from years of chronic pain. I soon noticed that the results went beyond the physical- this modality also transformed my outlook on life. I am more connected to myself and the world around me, and from this integrated space, I have found more serenity and clarity in dealing with everyday stresses and situations.  I would love to help you find the keys to unlock your unique potential and live your fullest life.


“Beate has an intuition about the body, an intuition in how to heal and evolve my body, that seems to combine anatomical knowledge, learned technique, and her own warm compassion. I feel that intuition in the gentle confidence of her hand as I am guided into new awareness.” -Eugene Lewins, Yoga teacher and Argentine tango dancer


“The Alexander Technique is the lazy man’s way into bliss.” - Patti Cordon, client